Frontier News

    April 2008 marks the 13th anniversary since Frontier First Encounters was released. With no sequel to the game since, Most game news services have long ago given up on any new informatiom.

     Our best bet is to follow the active discussion sites which continue to support the games. Here are three of the best.

The Russian site for the current Beta release of FFED3D. This is an add-on to the original game which looks to be the best port of FFE yet. Frontier Forums even has a huge discussion on it. The game is in English, but bring your translators as this site is mostly in Russian! You can download FFED3D HERE!
Dylan Smith on his WikiNews website relentlessly searches the web for news pertaining to the games and the authors who created them. So if there is a sequel on the horizon, changes are Dylan will know about it!
The Elite IV Support Group on Facebook. This one is new with no info on it yet.
MATTel's Elite Forum site also provides timely news on Elite IV as well as a chat and discussion forum for all things Elite.
Then again...Why not just goto the source? Here's the link to the Frontier Forums.

FE2 & FFE Shareware Released
    Frontier Developments in the U.K. released the Shareware versions of Frontier: Elite II and Frontier: First Encounters. Download the games from the Elite Club website in the U.K., or in the USA here on the Files page.

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